Safe School Notice

SAFETY IS EVERYONE’S BUSINESS! Traffic is heavy around school at arrival and dismissal times and, therefore poses a danger to students. Everyone must make a special effort to drive slowly, safely, and obey all rules.


  • Parents may not park in the school staff parking lots. The parking lot is for faculty use only and should not be used as a drop-off/pickup area for students.
  • Children are not permitted to walk through staff parking lots. They are to cross at the crosswalks and obey the crossing guard.
  • No U-turns may be made around the school. It is illegal and an unsafe practice.
  • Parents may park along S.W. 129 th Court and 47th Street across from school. Special care must be exercised. Do not park in the bus loading area or the student drop off zone.
  • Do not park and/or leave the car in the loading zone on SW 129 th Ct. or SW 47 th St.
  • Cars may not stop or wait between the signs or stripes indicating a crosswalk. Such crosswalks are located at the intersection of 129 th Ct. and 47th St., 130th Ave. and 47 th St.

The decision as to whether a child should walk or bike to school is the parents’. If you believe your child is mature enough to do so, you must provide a letter to the school stating that the child is allowed. It is important that parents review safety procedures with their child. All members of the Royal Green family should follow these safety guidelines. Inconsiderate and unsafe practices constitute a severe threat to student safety.